Kea Lani Scooter Dive
Dive Stats

* 2007.03.25 – 8:29am
* Kea Lani Hotel Beach, Maui, HI
* Pat, Tom and Alex (Divemaster/Guide)
* 46 ft max depth
* 26 ft avg depth
* 52 minutes dive time
* ~2km dive distance
* 75 deg F water temperature
* 3000psi start
* 200psi end


Rented motorized scooters at Kea Lani hotel and dove with the hotel instructor and dive master. At ~5mph, which is faster than it sounds, especially under water, the scooter allows the diver to cover relatively long distances, mainly because using one cuts down substantially the amount of oxygen consumed, prolonging the dive time.
About 1km offshore, beyond the coral which encircles the shoreline, we found a single growth of coral surrounded by open sands. At that point we temporarily ditched the scooters and proceeded unassisted (see green trace on dive map).
Photos are shot using a Canon waterproof enclosure and camera. Images are adjusted slightly to compensate for lack of contrast and to eliminate the dull blue hue that occurs at depth.