Southampton Beach Dive

Southampton Beach Dive

Dive Stats

Dive Map

* 2009.04.01 – 09:00
* Southampton Beach, Bermuda
* Pat, Dave and Guide (Chris)
* 35 ft max depth
* 30 ft visibility
* 35 minutes dive time
* 65 deg F water temperature
* 3000psi start
* 1000 psi end
* 12lbs weight


Pelagia Noctiluca, Purple_Striped Jelly

Shore dive with Dave and guide (Chris). Waded into light surf on private beach of Fairmont Southampton Hotel.

Swam directly south from hotel beach, over a limestone/coral wall and out into the open sea, across a sandy plain to large coral structures approximately 1/2 mile offshore. [near center of image above]

Saw and photographed a purple striped jellyfish

Dave at depth off Southampton
Don’t touch the sea life
Coral formations off the Bermuda coast
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